Azeztulite™, Sanda Rosa 沙之玫瑰阿賽斯特萊 原石 (#raw21-00001-032353118)



- 尺寸: 35 x 31 x 18 mm - 重量: 32g - 附送 "Azeztulite™, Sanda Rosa 沙之玫瑰阿賽斯特萊" 證書 - 付款後不設退換 - Azeztulite™, Sanda Rosa 沙之玫瑰阿賽斯特萊 參考網址:

Product Details

Sanda Rosa Azeztulite 【沙之玫瑰阿賽斯特萊石】

Chakras: ALL (1stー7th)

Elements: Storm, Earth

Origin: North Caroline

Sanda Rosa Azeztulite, which was found in North Carolina (where Azeztulite was first discovered), is different from the original Azeztulite in that it contains particles of Spessartite Garnet and Green Black Mica. Whether it is for these reasons or others, meditation with Sanda Rosa Azeztulite indicates that this stone, while still resonating at the high frequencies of Azeztulite, is a more grounded and grounding form of Azeztulite. Its primary resonance remains with the upper chakras and the heart. However, on a spectrum of Azeztulite qualities, Sanda Rosa Azeztulite is most likely the variety with which highly sensitive people will be comfortable.


根據Robert Simmons所編寫的《The pocket of stones》書內記載,此石種有以下功能特點:

身體:沙之玫瑰阿賽斯特萊的能量可輕易地把能量從上方流淌至身體的各個部位,對以太體有舒緩作用,能夠很好地融入並滋養人體的能量膜界面,也是眾多阿賽斯特萊石種中對於物理療效反應最迅速的。就如Robert Simmons所言:把阿賽斯特萊放不適的身體部位上,很快能夠立即緩解消化不適。



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