(限量版) Grounded & Protected" Energy Bracelets™ 接地與保護阿賽斯特萊 能量圓珠手串 (8mm)



- 尺寸: 約15手圍 (8mm) - 附送 "Grounded & Protected" Energy Bracelets™" 證書 - 此頁產品為 "Grounded & Protected" Energy Bracelets™", 圖中其他配襯手串需另行購買 - 圖片為水晶類別參考圖, 非一物一圖, 收款後會寄出同款產品 - 付款後不設退換 - Healer's Gold™ 參考網址: https://www.instagram.com/p/CuY2SQOLvbr/?img_index=1 - Guardianite™ 參考網址: https://www.instagram.com/p/CummFQuvLld/?img_index=1 - 黑碧璽阿賽斯特萊 參考網址: https://www.instagram.com/p/CuFN6KDP8bp/?img_index=1



每條手串均由羅伯特·西蒙斯 (Robert Simmons) 親自編程,以實現佩戴者的最高利益。 這些限量版手鍊均配有簽名和編號的證書。

“此手串由 Master Shamanite、Healers Gold、Guardianite 和 黑碧璽 阿賽斯特萊 組成。這些礦石的結合帶來了精神保護、淨化和接地的強大協同作用。這些手串非常適合任何希望消除負面影響的人。它們對於精神敏感的人尤其有幫助,這些人有時有點‘茫然’或容易受到精神攻擊。此手串對幾乎任何人來說都是一個有用的工具,因為 2021 年之前的幾年可能是快速轉變的時期,這可能會引發混亂,並可能耗盡一個人的自然保護和接地氣。此外,隨著地球吸收越來越高的振動頻率,擁有一組像這樣的易於磨損的石頭將很有用,可以幫助人們保持身體強壯。這些手串非常適合抵御所有類型的負能量模式,包括敵對的非物質存在和精神吸血鬼。此外,它們還可以幫助消除負面的‘能量消耗植入物’和過去創傷形成的功能失調模式。”——羅伯特·西蒙斯



"Grounded & Protected" 2021 Energy Bracelets™

Each Bracelet is personally programmed by Robert Simmons for the highest good of the wearer.
These Limited Edition Bracelets each comes with a signed and numbered Information/Guarantee Card.

      "The Grounded & Protected bracelet is composed of Master Shamanite, Healers Gold, Guardianite and Black Tourmaline Azeztulite. Combining these stones has brought about a powerful synergy of spiritual protection, purification and grounding. These bracelets are ideal for anyone who wishes to dispel negative influences and stay centered in the physical body. They are especially helpful for spiritually sensitive individuals who are sometimes a little ‘spacey,’ or are vulnerable to psychic attack.
   The Grounded and Protected 2021 Bracelet is a helpful tool for almost anyone, because the years ahead until 2021 are likely to be times of rapid transformation, which can stir up turmoil, and can deplete one’s natural  protection and groundedness. Also, as the Earth assimilates higher and higher vibrational frequencies, it will be useful to have an easily-worn group of stones like these, to help one stay strong, and in one’s body. These bracelets are ideal for warding off all types of negative energy patterns, including hostile non-physical beings and psychic vampires. In addition, they can aid in dissolving negative ‘energy-draining implants’ and dysfunctional patterns which have formed from past traumas."  —Robert Simmons
