每條手串均由羅伯特·西蒙斯 (Robert Simmons) 親自編程,以實現佩戴者的最高利益。 這些限量版手鍊均配有簽名和編號的證書。
「Pure Joy & Happiness 手串由 Azumar、Amazez 和 Pink Fire Azeztulite 組成。這種組合旨在激發生活中幸福和快樂的體驗。它們可以照亮一個人的前景,增加內心的平靜和樂觀。
"Pure Joy & Happiness" 2021 Energy Bracelets™
"The Pure Joy & Happiness bracelet is composed of Azumar, Amazez and Pink Fire Azeztulite. This combination was designed to stimulate the experience of happiness and joy in life. They work to brighten one’s outlook and increase inner peace and optimism.
“It has been said that happiness ebbs and flows, while joy is a way of being. The currents of these bracelets could almost be pictured as music, playing the base chord of joy along with the soaring and descending melody of happiness. These stones facilitate a state in which one is simultaneously appreciative of the treasure of life itself, while also feeling an exuberant enthusiasm for own’s own participation in the unfolding flow of one’s life within the world. These bracelets make wonderful gifts for loved ones, as well as being valuable allies for oneself. They encourage one’s sense of humor, one’s friendliness and generosity, and one’s compassion for others. They can aid in making happiness a lifelong habit!" —Robert Simmons
