每條手串均由羅伯特·西蒙斯 (Robert Simmons) 親自編程,以實現佩戴者的最高利益。 這些限量版手鍊均配有簽名和編號的證書。
「Healing Power 手串由 Healrite、Healenite、Healers Gold 和 White Azeztulite 組成。這種組合旨在為各個層面的健康和福祉帶來最有效和有益的振動支持。
「療癒力量手串包含一組精心組合的寶石,精選用於治療身體、星體和以太層面的功能障礙,並展現一個人的健康和福祉的神聖藍圖。神聖藍圖可以被理解為一個形態場,它擁有理想健康狀態的純粹潛力模式。根據我的經驗,我覺得這組石頭的能量可以幫助讓自己的能量場與這個場產生共鳴。一旦發生這種共振,並且透過意圖和集中注意力維持這種共振,再加上寶石的幫助,人們就可以啟動一種自我強化的模式,從而維持強健的體質和持續的健康。 ·西蒙斯
"Healing Power" 2021 Energy Bracelets™
"The Healing Power bracelet is composed of Healerite, Heartenite, Healers Gold and White Azeztulite. This combination was designed to bring forth the most efficatious and beneficial vibrational support for health and wellbeing on all levels.
“The Healing Power bracelet includes a carefully composed group of stones, chosen for remedying dysfunctions on the physical, astral and etheric levels, and for bringing forth the manifestation of one’s Divine Blueprint of health and wellbeing. The Divine Blueprint can be understood as a morphic field that holds the pattern of pure potential for the ideal state of health. From my experience, I feel the energies of this group of stones can aid in bringing one’s own energy fields into resonance with this field. Once this resonance occurs, and when it is maintained through intention and focused attention, in conjunction with the stones’ assistance, one can initiate a self-reinforcing pattern that tends to sustain a strong constitution and continuing health." —Robert Simmons
